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Data on the financial statements of earnings-related pension providers

Every year, in cooperation with the Finnish Centre for Pensions, we publish a summary of the financial statements of earnings-related pension providers. The appendix to the financial statements is published in Finnish and Swedish, but on this page we have compiled the key figures of the data also in English. All data is also available in our statistical database.

The figures presented here relate to the year 2023 and apply to whole sector – except for solvency figures, which pertains only to pension providers in the private sector. You can browse more advanced figures for earnings-related pension insurance companies in our statistical database. The database provides data both for the entire sector and for individual providers from 2007 on.

Figures are rounded to one decimal place.

Key figures

  • Number of people insured 2.7 million.
  • Number of pensioners 1.9 million.
  • Sum of wages and salaries/confirmed income EUR 107.2 billion.


  • Premium income EUR 27.0 billion (excluding contributions from the State Budget).
  • Net income from investments at fair value 15.0 billion / 6.3 %.
  • Net income from investments in the income statement EUR 13.5 billion.


  • Pensions paid EUR 33.1 billion.
  • Total operating expenses (excluding investment expenses) EUR 440.2 million.


  • Pension assets about EUR 254.9 billion.
  • Investments at fair value about EUR 251.2 billion.


Pertains only to pension providers in the private sector.

  • Solvency capital totalling EUR 34.4 billion.
  • Solvency limit EUR 21.2 billion.
  • Solvency capital/solvency limit 1.6.
  • Solvency ratio 127.0 per cent.

The appendix to the financial statements is available in Finnish.

On the basis of the financial statements, we also put together an annual compilation of the market share data of pension providers both on the annual basis and as a time series. These can be found on our page Information on the market shares of pension providers.

Previous years’ data

Financial statement data from 2007 on is available in our statistical database. The data is divided in a similar fashion to the printed supplement: the sectoral key figures and advanced pension insurance companies’ financial statement data are separate. You can select the figures you need, compile time series, or make charts, either using the tools directly provided in the database or using Excel.

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