Welcome to TELA's website
We are an association looking after the interests of insurers providing statutory earnings-related pensions. Our mission is to strengthen the earnings-related pension system and to influence the sector’s general operating environment.

Solvency statistics of earnings-related pension providers at the end of 2024
The Financial Supervisory Authority has published recent data on the solvency of earnings-related pension providers. The earnings-related pension providers’ solvency…

Time series graphs on investment assets, returns and stock market holdings updated with 2024 data
Various time series graphs on earnings-related pension assets and on investment returns, available on our website, have been updated. The…

Strong growth in pension assets in 2024: assets worth EUR 271 bn
Earnings-related pension investments continued to grow in the last quarter of last year, during which assets appreciated around four billion…
Development of pension assets
Earnings-related pension investments continued to grow in the last quarter of last year, during which assets appreciated around four billion euros. In total, at the end of the year, funds available for the financing of Finnish earnings-related pensions were worth a total of EUR 271 billion.
Amount of assets 31.12.2024 271 EUR billion
Return in real terms 8.7 per cent

Statistical database makes basic data on pension investments easily available
The data of your choice can be further processed for example in Excel.
Meet our experts

The pension system is like the sea: sometimes rolling calmly, sometimes giving rise to foam crests.
Pirjo Sved, Assistant to the Managing Director and management

The pension system is like a dependable defender who works for the team and saves the match.

The pension system is like Italy: constantly on the verge of bankruptcy but still going strong.

The pension system is like a mushroom: it grows and develops almost invisibly, but then becomes visible above ground, ready to be picked.

The pension system is like the North Star. It shines a steady light from its own location.

The pension system is like the Finnish national football team’s qualification match, that is, a joint dream shared by different generations.

The pension system is like life itself: simple in theory but complicated in practice.

The pension system is like an extended family’s shared summer house, which each generation maintains in turn.

The pension system is like a woollen sock knitted with granny. Pension security is also knitted together by generations.
Jenni Heino, Manager, Communications (on family leave until autumn 2025)

The pension system is like a river, seemingly stationary but always in a state of flux.
Mikael Kulikoff, Director, Finance, Administration and Development

The pension system is like a coastal cliff: it accumulates heat during the work years and releases it back in the twilight of one’s life.

The pension system is like the Barbapapas — cooperation and suitable transformations help to solve even the most difficult problems.

The earnings-related pension system is like making a blue cheese – few people know how to do it from beginning to end, but everyone has an opinion about the product itself.
Mikko Koskinen, Director, communications and public relations

The earnings-related pension system is like a sweater. It’s easy to make add new rows to it, but it’s a lot harder to change the rows that have already been knitted.

The pension system is like the national Finnish basketball teams: every player has their own role, but regardless of age, success is built on openness, trust and a playing together.

The pension system is like an umbrella — it provides shelter in different stages and situations of life.