Jenni Heino
Manager, Communications (on family leave until autumn 2025)
As Communications Manager, I coordinate the Communications Team’s daily work and news items that pop up unexpectedly. I came to TELA in the spring of 2016, from a health organization that sought, among other things, to influence alcohol policy. I have a Master’s Degree in Political Science. My communications studies are rooted in journalism and marketing studies done in the UK.

- Media communications
- Communications coordination and content production
- Events and cooperation
- Social media
Working groups
- Advisory Committee for Communications Affairs
Ask me
- If you’re a journalist in need information or an interviewee
- If you have a topic in mind that should be addressed through TELA’s channels
The pension system is like a woollen sock knitted with granny. Pension security is also knitted together by generations.
Jenni Heino, Manager, Communications (on family leave until autumn 2025)
In my spare time:
I cycle on the trails of Vantaa with my kid following along in the child bike trailer. In the evenings I’m often seen admiring tractors and bunnies with the same kid.
Comments by workmates:
“Quick as lightning and full of ideas, Jenni is a first-rate communicator who is quick to understand how things and the overall picture relate to each other. Jenni is a power pack and an inexhaustible source of ideas who approaches various topics in interesting ways, thus getting new perspectives on things. Jenni has the gift of the gab and is an inexhaustible source of good jokes. A great sense of humour makes Jenni a fun co-worker!”