News about TELA and the pension sector on topical issues.
Time series graphs on investment assets and returns updated with 2021 data
Various time series graphs on earnings-related pension assets and on investment returns, available on our website, have been updated. The…
Jouko Pölönen to continue as Chairman of our Board of Directors
The Chairman of our Board of Directors is Jouko Pölönen, CEO of Ilmarinen. He was elected by the Annual General…
Information on the breakdown of investments and on returns at the end of March 2022 published
Information on the breakdown of investments and on returns for the six largest earnings-related pension insurers is complete for the…
Transfer statistics 1/2022 published
The number of earnings-related pension insurance policies transferred from one pension insurance company to another totalled over 5 100 between…
Earnings-related pension assets reach EUR 255 billion
The investment assets of earnings-related pension providers totalled EUR 255 billion at the end of 2021. Expressed in euros, the…
Kimmo Koivurinne: The second coronavirus year favoured equity investments
Despite the pandemic, the year 2021 yielded exceptionally good returns for pension investments: The investment assets serving as a component…
According to a recent analysis, most of the 255 billion in earnings-related pension assets are invested responsibly
Our new analysis indicates that most of Finns’ earnings-related pension assets have been invested responsibly. The analysis examined responsible investment…
Solvency statistics of earnings-related pension providers at the end of 2021
The Financial Supervisory Authority has published recent data on the solvency of earnings-related pension providers. The earnings-related pension providers’ solvency…
The breakdown of investments and returns at the end of year 2021 published
Information on the breakdown of investments and on returns for the six largest earnings-related pension insurers is complete for the…
New statistical database makes basic data on earnings related pension investments available to everyone
We have introduced a new statistical database on our website. Our statistical database contains data on the investment assets of…