New statistical database makes basic data on earnings related pension investments available to everyone
We have introduced a new statistical database on our website. Our statistical database contains data on the investment assets of the earnings-related pension system and on the development of the investment breakdown and returns. Our experts, Statistical Planner Maija Schrall and Analyst Kimmo Koivurinne, provide additional information.
From now on, data on the breakdown of pension insurers’ investment assets and quarterly information on the investment distribution and returns of the largest earnings-related pension insurers can be obtained from our separate statistical database.
“At the moment, our statistical database contains the most popular time series on investment assets since 2004, as well as time series on the investment distribution of the six largest pension insurers and the quarterly information on yields,” Koivurinne explains.
Putting statistics into use easily and rapidly
TELA receives regular queries about statistics associated with investments. The statistical database offers the opportunity for more diverse and more flexible use of data on investment assets and quarterly information to everyone interested in such information. The database has been built specifically to serve the information needs of financial journalists, researchers and students.
“It is no longer necessary to contact TELA separately, as the information can be obtained quickly from our website,” Schrall states.
Schrall and Koivurinne are happy to help information seekers. In particular, Koivurinne is available for regular issues associated with earnings-related pension investments and finances.
Versatile information searches
Investment asset information is divided into three parts: by sector, by region and by pension provider types. Defining the pension provider group makes it possible to examine, for instance, pension companies as a group. Other pension provider groups are company pension funds, industry-wide pension funds, public-sector pension providers and, as a group of their own, the Seafarers’ Pension Fund (MEK) and the Farmers’ Social Insurance Institution (Mela). Investment asset data are not available for an individual pension provider.
Instead, the quarterly information on the breakdown of investments and returns can be viewed, for example, for a specific pension insurer or a certain type of asset. Interim data are available for the six largest pension insurers. The timelines allow, for instance, investigation of the basic asset breakdown, which shows the combined market value of investments and the breakdown of cash among the various investments. In addition, the following are available: risk-adjusted breakdown; returns on investments; bond durations; and open currency positions.
A well-known database system in the background
The database allows the compilation of the statistics of your choice, and you can continue the processing easily, for instance, in Excel. Various figures can also be drawn up from the statistics, either directly with the tools provided by the database or with the help of Excel.
“The database has been implemented using the Swedish PxWeb system. This system is used by all of the Nordic statistical offices, including Statistics Finland, the Finnish Centre for Pensions, and the Natural Resources Institute Finland,” Schrall states.
The statistical database is available in Finnish, Swedish and English.
“The intention is to develop the statistical database further in the coming years. We welcome requests for statistics to be included in the database,” Koivurinne says.
The information obtained from the statistical database replaces some of the investment asset figures on our website. Our website still presents the most important figures on investment assets data for the most recent quarter. The timing of updating the statistics can be found on the statistical database page.
Our statistical database page presents more information about the database as well as instructions on its use.